Learn How To Rebrand Your Old Website In Just 2 Hours!

The best time to start a new website is now, whether it is a new web project or a redesign for your existing site. You’ll learn how to use the most powerful and affordable content management systems for WordPress and other popular platforms such as Joomla, Drupal and Squarespace.

c A rebranding effort might have to consider several things such as the latest user requirements, the changes in the external environment, and the strategies used by top competitors.

When it comes to your business it’s always essential to remain focused on the big picture. So if you’re thinking about redesigning and relaunching your website, you need to do so in a methodical, well-thought out way. You’ll need to have a well thought out strategy and work with your web developer accordingly.

This article provides a great outline for a website owner / manager who wants to rebrand their website.

Why Do We Recommend Rebranding Websites?

Why do we recommend rebranding websites? As websites become out-of-date after 3 years, it might be a good idea for the company or business to rebrand when they deem fit depending on the industry and services being offered.

Read these 5 reasons why we think you should rebrand to see why this approach will help you build hype, stay updated, innovate to attract users, introduce new offerings, and announce business changes.

1. Create Hype

If you’re already growing a significant audience on your site, take advantage of the social features that are so helpful in building community. You’ll find yourself more engaged with those who come to your site, and that translates to higher conversions for your business.

2. Stay Updated

A company’s vision and mission should constantly show itself to the online audience. This should happen by constantly updating the vision and mission statements and putting them to use on all your website pages.

3. Innovate to Attract Users

Create Innovative User Experience Designers often focus on a company’s branding, creating an identity that will catch users’ attention. However, as a user, I need innovative ideas and not just “new” branding.

4. Introduce New Offerings

In order for a product to stand out, it has to have its own identity. If you create a product that doesn’t seem to be selling, that will make it hard for it to sell because no one knows what it is.

You can take this idea to make it more innovative by trying to get teenagers’ parents to be the ones to make the purchase.

5. Announce Business Changes

If your business is being acquired or merged with another, then you should announce that. You’ll want to rebrand to integrate the values of the acquiring company while at the same time reassuring customers that things will be business as usual.

Website brand re-development can only make your users feel more confident about your services and offerings and it’ll also make them connect with you better.

You can also ask for their feedback. They’ll appreciate your time and effort.

How To Redesign And Rebrand a Website?

Make sure that the current status and inventory of the pages and current SEO rankings are known before starting a brand new website. There are plenty of website redesign services that can help users with this.

The best analytics service will help you understand the basics like keywords, bounce rate, traffic, etc. It can also tell you about how many of your products and pages are in stock at any given time. There are several website monitoring services and tools you can use to measure and improve your business.

1. Assess The Current Status And Prepare for a Rebrand

Create a new inventory of the content and pages that are needed to create a better conversion rate after the rebranding is done. These will also need to be created and submitted to the search engines that have been used so that the ranking can improve as needed.

It’s essential that you get a deep dive into the analytics service you choose. Not only does it help you learn more about your business but it also helps you understand your competitors’ weaknesses, so you can develop and implement a plan to stay ahead of the game.

2. Look For a Hosting Provider

This might be the right time for a web designer to take a closer look at the hosting provider. It may be necessary to change hosting companies if they don’t seem capable of handling your increasing traffic.

It is important that your hosting provider or webmaster understands the needs of your business in order to provide good results.

Find the best hosting providers on online web hosting directories like HostingOffer.

3. Assess The Need For A Server Management Company

Avoid Hosting Sites On Third-Party Servers Some site builders offer an additional benefit: they host the sites you build for free. The downside of this benefit? You’re at the mercy of their servers and what happens if one of them goes down?

In most cases, web hosting companies will take care of all the configuration tasks and software updates that are required for the web host. There are some exceptions such as shared servers, where this task falls to the owner of the website.

Here’s a list of some of the best companies to manage your website hosting and server issues.

4. Optimize A Current Site

You should optimize your WordPress website for better performance and ranking. By compressing the size of the images and avoiding any plug-ins in access, the website can show higher output and efficiency.

If you’re on a budget, consider buying the version of WordPress that’s best for your specific device or computer. Or, if you’re willing to spend more money, increase the RAM (Random Access Memory) of your computer to help it perform better.

5. Capitalize on Social Media

Capitalize on social media once your rebranding is completed. Don’t forget to create hype on your social media channels, and share the new version with your users so as to gauge their interest and increase your website visits. You can also use social media to ask your users about the UI they prefer and make the most of your rebranding while making sure that you will provide the same value.

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions.
Q 1. How to rebrand a WordPress blog in 5 easy steps?
Ans. Here are my step by step process to do a complete rebranding of a WordPress blog.

You should do your own research, find an affordable web developer to work with, build a great site, and promote it on social media.

No. A website redesign process is not that complex. You don’t have to be a web designer to perform a website redesign. With a little knowledge and skills, you can easily do a good job.

Q 2. How often should a website be redesigned?
Ans. The webmaster is the best person to take this call. However, we recommend redesigning a website every 3 years for the visitors to get excited about the next new thing.

This is also an indicator of the brand’s willingness to constantly update and upgrade themselves.
Q 3. What is the difference between mobile and desktop version?
Ans. In general, the mobile versions of websites tend to be optimized for mobile devices. B:

It is a process that involves making changes to the branding of your business. Your website is usually one part of your branding. When you rebrand a website, you are making big changes that require input from your web developer.

Ans. Yes. Redesigning your brand involves redesigning, revamping, and sometimes changing the entire look and feel of your website. A rebranding project usually requires a lot of work and can take months to complete.

The changes you make to your site will have an effect on your ranking, but it’s not a guarantee that this will happen. It all depends on what you change and how you change it.

Rebranding your site can have an impact on your SEO and the content on your website will need to be updated, but the overall experience of your website and the user-experience will be maintained.


Conclusion. A website rebranding journey is similar to any other business transformation journey. You need to have the proper understanding of the current situation, resources like web hosting providers, server management, and optimization of the website before embarking on it.

If you want to stay ahead of your competitors, you should rebrand at the right time to be able to tap the right audience and with a logical approach that makes sense, rather than just doing it for the sake of rebranding.

No right answer about the frequency of rebranding and redesigning your site. However, if you are looking for sustainable business growth, innovate with time and accept new changes.

It’s totally up to you whether you do it in-house or hire a professional agency to do it.

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